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Milford Youth Athletics

Leaving Our Mark

Board of Directors Meeting

Monday February 12, 2024


Milford Central School


1) Call to order:

a) Present: Megan Martincorena, Russell Langford, MonaLissa Edson, Heather Currie, Ryan DeSantis, Don Harvey, Adam Martin, Amanda Powers, Albe Hulick

2) Treasurer's Report: $33,007.19

3) Baseball/Softball this year:

  •   registration: still waiting for total numbers, Russell asked about making one larger team versus more smaller teams. Group decided to just keep the team numbers small and multiple teams
  •   need to get together with other schools to discuss the rules, another mtg to discuss the schedules (Ryan, Don, Amanda, Joline to coordinate). Lloyd to get a list of contacts from previous years.
  • Basketball pictures: went well. Agreed to use Cassie Meeker again for baseball pictures
  •   umpires: try to get umps for the season for majors
  •   Sponsorship letters- Heather has them ready to go; Russell just needs to sign them. Start reaching out to businesses as well as businesses we have not tried yet. Ryan suggested brochures to pass out (Russell to follow up to ask if anyone would be interested in making brochure, Megan Martincorena will reach out to Heather Van Essendelft to ask her if she's able to do brochure)
  •   Order some new uniforms (Mindy's Best), updating/replacing uniforms. Albe suggested parents buying new shirt for the minors rather than MYA order more, Amanda suggested having a number on the back of the minors uniform not just a list of sponsors. Reach out to Amber to see what we have for jerseys currently
  •   Topsoil: Roger to donate some
  •  schedules for practice: TBD
  • 1) Use of other fields: TBD, work on purchasing property/getting a grant towards it. Ryan said Steve Andrews (Lefty) will be happy to offer insight into how to do this; use grant writer? Reach out to community to let them know what we hope to do, community may offer something to use or sell to MYA- how best to reach community- flyer (pass out to students and businesses), Facebook, ask Richfield how they approached it (Lenny Pickens, ) work on this once the season gets going.
  •   Pitch back screens: Ryan asked about purchasing those, 70-80$ per screen- ok with ordering 2 of those, Ryan DeSantis in charge of getting them
  •   Park Clean up: Saturday April 6th, organize shed, bottle drive, open bathrooms, uniform distribution also, any extra equipment to get rid of- don't throw out, give to Amanda Powers
  1.   Grant money- 2 grants from Otsego county youth association, 1 of these grants for 2, 586.00 for infrastructure (has to be done by September 2024), need to shop around for quotes as first quote was too high. The other grant must go towards equipment or related fees.
  2.   Old Business
  •  BOCES- smaller hoops for little kids: do we want to order now or wait until summer to have for next season? Amanda stretched her season through March and would like to get them now. All agreed to get a couple now to get started. Amanda will look into where we want to order them and how much will cost.
  1.   Insurance- go until May, Russell to get form from Lloyd to copy from. For this year just go with insurance we've had before
  2.   Have a uniform MYA email address. Russell asked about should we be getting a cell phone for use for the organization so number stays same/consistent. Tracphone? All agreed that would be more cost effective

[email protected] (Lloyd try to figure out how to get others access to it)

  1.   Tournament at Clarks sports center- Milford 5/6 boys can sign up for it bc there is a spot open, MYA to pay $100 towards the sign-up fee
  2.   Grill: no f/u
  3.     Backstop: Lloyd doesn't think it will happen for the season, will probably be summer time
  4.     Apparel: no new updates yet, Brittany Hulick to reach out to Rep to see if she can get another discount code for ordering. Code good until end of Feb currently.
  5.     Fundraising: Krispie Kreme. Class of 2025 is also selling it so we want to make sure not to conflict with their timeframe (they are selling in April); bottle drive- need to get more people to drop off, let the community know where to donate to; candy bar sales through the concession stand- get from BJs and sell out of concessions, opening concession stand other times

Next Meeting: March 11, 2024- 7pm MCS Cafeteria

Contact Us

Milford Youth Athletics

P.O. Box 152 
Milford, New York 13807

Phone: 607-222-5789
Email: [email protected]

Milford Youth Athletics

P.O. Box 152 
Milford, New York 13807

Phone: 607-222-5789
Email: [email protected]
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